and here's where the story begins. the connection timetable showed that we should change trains at basel bad bahnhof and karlsruhe before we would reach bruchsal at the normal timing of about 12mn. wells we did reach basel bad bahnhof safe and sound. but we did not leave the station with the same safe sound feeling.
despite standing in front of the train we were supposed to board, having the words KARLSRUHE in bold print on the piece of paper stuck on the train RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR NOSES, we happily let the train chug away as a lady (whom jt would love to kick) told us that it was NOT OUR TRAIN. and tadah! there were to be no trains for us till an hour later. the next connection which we found would take us back to bruchsal the next morning at 6am!!!!!
so we waited it out for an hour at basel bad, hoping to fill our poor tummies at a nearby macdonalds. after staring at the list of prices for a while, we were rather bewildered by the prices which were about twice the usual. not only that, there were weird 'fr.'s' behind the prices. it was only after mr spoke to the cashier that we found out...
we were in SWITZERLAND!! madness after madness la. totally couldnt buy anythin to eat coz we didn't have swiss francs on us. we also realized that the prices quoted by the cab driver we approached was so exorbitant because 1) he quoted francs and 2) he had to drive from switzerland to germany!
many complaints and grumblings later, we boarded the train on our way to offenberg to wait for THREE ETERNITY-LIKE HOURS from 1am to 4am for our next train. hai. horrible horrible night. metal chairs and small heaters in a small plastic box-like room were all we had to sleep in. never been to happy to board a train after that.
and SO. we board our last train thinking we'll finally be able to reach beloved bruchsal at 6am. but it was too dark and guess what! we missed the stop bruchsal despite seeing a lovely s-bahn beckoning us to get off with the words 'bruchsal' on its side. so the train went on and on and on, nonstop, and we arrived at STUTTGART.
i have to admit at this point i was beyond tired and shock at our missing trains and stops. so i was rather happy taking pictures at stuttgart since i had never been there unlike the rest. haha. that would explain my enthusiasm in posing for pictures like the one in the middle.
we finally made our way back to bruchsal at about 9am, 9 hours behind schedule but in one piece. all 4 of us just napped our way through lunch and only woke up for dinner. HAHA.
worst trip in the history of our train-taking experiences here but a very memorable one to say the least. hehe. right, addicts?
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